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The more than 450-man ExoTech team consists of the Advance Team of full- and part-time paid Team members and the Volunteer ExoTeam. Between them, they have dozens of man-years of ExoTech experience and thousands of man-years of executive experience internationally. Every month, they put in thousands of hours of work and study many thousands of pages of ExoTech material to create the planetary ExoFuture of human-like computing and to help achieve our Goal of “the full potential of computing in the hands of the world population in a socially responsible manner.”

Advance Team Members

The Advance Team of full- and part-time paid team members is executing our 60+ page, 200+ target Advance Team Program, and several other Projects that, between them, are building our eleven-division, 33-department organizational structure. These Programs and Projects are also getting our 400+ page ExoManual and its corresponding training checksheet edited into its final form, while our key technologists are simultaneously in full-time intensive training piloting the training course which goes with the manual.

Quality Division 5

    Volunteer ExoTeam Members

    The Volunteer ExoTeam members have an amazing array of skills and professions between them. Many are published authors and own their own businesses. They are people who are so convinced of the value and importance of ExoTech that between them they put in an enormous amount of work and study to get ready for the day when we will bring many of them on board full-time to create our products and launch our products in one to two years from now.

    Sales & Marketing Division 2 Volunteers

    Production Division 4 Volunteers

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