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Many senior professionals have studied ExoTech for tens and often hundreds of hours. All have come away convinced of the value and revolutionary nature of the technology. Some have joined our team as a result of their studies. The following are some typical quotes from their reports:

Jeff BuhrtJeff Buhrt, Former IBM Program Manager, currently owns Rocket Logic Inc., Achievement Focused Technologies (AFT, Inc.) and Health Care Systems Corp.“During the time I worked for ExoBrain, Inc., I was the person responsible for the creation of the ExoBrain database, an unusual database, different from standard databases. It has unusual properties; it stores and operates on meanings of words and not just on words themselves; it stores all data and all the code used.

“Huge advances were made from the initial prototype to the near-commercial product ExoBrain that exists today. Comprehensively controlling computers with everyday language in any manner at all is a holy grail of computing, and it is my considered view that this technology is capable of achieving that.”

Earl E. Colmer Jr., IT Consultant in Data Processing since 1980

“Both the Personal and Business ExoBrain employ the same user-friendly, user-programmable GUI views and the same learning database engine, but it is ExoBrain’s Numbers Concept Language Learning Database, which makes creating, finding, storing and retrieving data uniquely powerful and beyond anything I have worked with in all my years of Data Processing.”

Rolf Heinrich, Senior Software Product Manager at Fujitsu-Siemens

Rolf Heinrich reviewed the demonstration of the first prototype for ExoTech.

Before the review, he stated:
“I have to tell you I am very skeptical and disbelieving. Microsoft and others like IBM have spent millions – even billions of dollars – to solve this and have not solved it, so I do not believe that it is possible that you could have solved it.

After seeing the prototype perform, he stated:
“Congratulations. You have done the most amazing work. It is not believable, but now I see that what you say is true. So. Now, let us talk business together. When will the product be ready? When can we have it to test?”

Dr. Karl DenninghoffDr. Karl Denninghoff, Ph.D, Computer Scientist

“I am a Computer Scientist with over 30 years’ experience in computer and Information Technology, have published scientific papers in my field, and I am the author of several Microsoft and Intel patents in the areas of Voice over IP, system reliability, and image processing. I invented the first VoIP technology to work reliably across the open Internet, which technology is presently owned by Intel.

“The GUI prototype market testing results [of ExoTech] showed that a general user experience can engage a large portion of those who habitually avoid the use of computer technology. Based on my experience and the information so far evaluated, I believe that advances having exploitable market impact have been made.

“I have therefore agreed to join ExoBrain in a technical capacity when funds are available.”

Wayne C. McCray, President & CEO, Axiom Consulting LLC“My past background includes managing the global implementation and deployment of eBusiness systems for IBM Corporate procurement.

“I have seen no other single product that provides the functionally of ExoBrain. I was able to CREATE an application, push it to two other systems, do remote finds and push/pull data to/from both systems and then push application enhancements to the other systems in less than 8 hours after installing the beta.

“I have also demoed ExoBrain to several companies and the responses were:

  • Construction company: ‘How soon can I get one of them?’
  • Law firm: ‘This product can save us a lot of money.’
  • Computer company: ‘WOW.’

“My company is going to take great pleasure in creating software solutions with the ExoBrain.”

John WelchJohn S. Welch, Former owner of CornerStone Software and VP of Development for American Data Resources and for Deluxe Data Resources

After an in-depth review of the ExoTech Confidential Technical Briefing, John concluded:

“I see ExoTech as a company to be helped and one you need to be interested in. Peter Warren started ExoTech some time ago and has been expanding its technical prowess ever since. I got a full briefing about ExoTech and his ExoBrains over live video. I duplicated the enormity of Peter’s achievement to bring human thinking to a computer. His tech is light years beyond what Google, et al., are doing with AI.

“My first review of his tech impressed me more than any other software tech I have been exposed to. If you watch the demo, do not be deceived by the simplicity of what is being demonstrated. I forewarn you not to dismiss it as tech you have seen before. His demos are showing a remarkably new technology that has no parallel. In fact, the first time I simply watched a demo, I started coding – in my mind – how to achieve the same results and started thinking that he had nothing new. Boy was I ever wrong. When he did the live demo, he showed me the under-the-hood logic, and I was blown away.

“I urge you to take a close look at his technology and see if there is something here that interests and engages you. If you have a brilliant background in software and management, you will be more than simply impressed. My own take is that the implications for the deployment of ExoBrains is a computing breakthrough of such significance that it will ultimately make all other software obsolete and will, in fact, dictate the architecture of future hardware. And I speak from wide experience.

“In my opinion, an ExoTech system will be able to literally run a company or a country due to its ability to set goals and handle situations based on current conditions as well as past experience. I urge you to look into it.”

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