ExoTech is a new kind of software and data architecture that changes everything.
As a result of basic discoveries in language and human intelligence processing, ExoTech’s dynamic relational data architecture was designed from the outset to mimic the way a person stores and handles data.
It was designed to facilitate the functionality of a person, not just that of a mere electronic personal assistant.
It was not built to carry out any specific command, but to interact with a user in a way similar to how another human does, using normal everyday language – in ways not possible before and then to carry out whatever commands the user might come up with.
ExoTech brings comprehensive natural language control to all computing devices. One of its many breakthroughs is that it processes the meaning of words, not just the words themselves.
ExoTech Ltd is a Bermuda company with the goal of putting the full potential of computing into the hands of the world population in a socially responsible manner.
Guide to Documents Introducing ExoTech
For those with limited computer experience who want a more user-friendly computer environment:
Can You Talk to Your Computer?
Former Product Manager for IBM Australia explains how today’s computers are stupid. If you don’t believe him, ask your computer to email a copy of the document you wrote yesterday to your brother. That dead silence you hear is the only answer you’ll get. It has no idea what you’re talking about!
The User's View of ExoTech
An introduction to the general principles and capabilities of the ExoTech platform and what every computer user can expect in the new world of computing created by ExoTechnology with its far-reaching impact on the productivity and enhancement of human abilities.
ExoIntelligence vs Artificial Intelligence: Does AI Have to Be Dangerous?
From 1973 to 1992, Neil Clark worked with IBM Australia where he was the Product Manager for the IBM Personal Computer. In this article, Neil explores the future of Artificial Intelligence, its potential to be tremendously helpful and how we can take advantage of this excellent potential without exposing ourselves to the dangerous aspects that have frightened people for centuries.
For computer users who have become frustrated when using computers:
Software Sucks!
Veteran computer technologist Rick Harrison has found that when he talks to programmers it’s not hard to get an agreement that, overall, “software sucks.” When he talks to non-programmers, he gets the impression that they feel stupid about software or “just can’t get it.” So much frustration! In this fascinating article, Rick exposes the reason behind all the concerns in plain terms we can all understand.
Computing the ExoWay
Early computer architecture, developed more than seventy years ago, still dictates how today’s computers are designed. Made for another time and purpose, this insane way of computing is not at all how people use and store data, so everyone has to learn to do computing in a way that is not compatible with human thought.
The ExoTech Solution to Computing
An introduction to ExoTech for those computer users who feel they must be stupid or computer illiterate. The product of ExoTech, the ExoBrain, has the ability to bring existing computer systems and applications under the control of their users and to ensure that computing works to support man’s efforts to survive.
For experienced computer users who would like to see improvements:
Human Artificial Intelligence and Today’s Artificial Intelligence, a 3-Part Series
Peter Warren, the Inventor and Chief Executive Officer of ExoTech, describes the differences between the limited, predictive data-handling capabilities of modern computers and the greatly diverse capabilities of human intelligence.
An Accountant’s View of ExoTech
Chartered Management Accountant Nick Bonnaud gives an introduction to ExoTech from a business point of view and within commercial realities.
For anyone skeptical about a whole new system of computing:
Software Authority John S. Welch on ExoTech
Manager and software authority John Welch has had wide experience and success in computer programming, manufacturing, construction and machining. He has developed several groundbreaking computer software solutions. In this article, John gives his views on the impact that ExoTech will have on the world of computing.
What Is ExoTechnology?
A computer technologist with forty years of experience, Rick Harrison gives his impression of the remarkable versatility of the ExoTech platform that enables programmers and users to do what they want to do with their computers without stifling restrictions, limitations and complexities.
For anyone who wants to go further with ExoTech, do the Introduction to the Confidential Technical Briefing, a six-minute video:
Arthur C. Clarke said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Since our technology is very advanced, you might expect it to seem magical. In the Introduction to the Confidential Technical Briefing, inventor Peter Warren explains why this is and how the Confidential Technical Briefing itself will make our technology real to you. Once you have completed the Introduction to the Confidential Technical Briefing video, contact us to schedule your Confidential Technical Briefing by providing your contact information to ExoTech here.

Professional Validation of ExoTech
Many senior professionals have studied ExoTech for tens and often hundreds of hours. All have come away convinced of the value and revolutionary nature of the technology. Some have joined our team as a result of their studies. The following are some typical quotes from their reports: