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Translate Screen Text in ExoApps

When you get your ExoBrain Basic, everything you see on the screen will be in English. That’s reasonable. It is the most spoken language on the planet – understood by almost 1.5 billion people. It’s also the primary language spoken by the technical team at ExoTech.

However, you won’t need to wait until other language versions are released. You can immediately start translating the text of anything and everything that appears on the ExoBrain screen using any language you want. Spanish, Italian, French, German, and on and on.

It’s a simple click and change procedure that is part of the ExoBrain’s unique customizability. You can have multiple languages in an ExoBrain and even toggle between them whenever you want.

But wait, there’s more! You can also publish to the ExoWeb a fully translated ExoApp, ExoDesk or ExoView and the company will reward you for your efforts!

Click here for additional website entries to the
“What Will ExoBrain Basic Do for You?” page.

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