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Hide Anything on Any View

“Old Generation” Apps look exactly the way their programmers decided they should be. In that design process they usually want to appeal to as many users as possible so they include every possible functionality they can for every user possible.

What those Apps end up with is a display full of features that most users don’t want to use or even see on their screen. So many features that do things we don’t care about and provide unnecessary data.

Every element of an ExoView is a separate piece that can be changed any way you want. So, in just a few minutes of very simple actions, you can make a new ExoView for the App you’re using to hide all the buttons, fields and images you don’t want – making the ExoView show only what you want it to show.

And to make things even more user-friendly, you are not actually deleting these other elements. They are still available to you and can be unhidden whenever you want.

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“What Will ExoBrain Basic Do for You?” page.

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