Why the ExoBash?
A bash is a joyous celebration or uproarious party.
So, what is an ExoBash?
It’s a celebration of the next major milestone in the development of ExoTech and its release to the world.
Specifically, the upcoming ExoBash is an exhibition and celebration of the first fully language-controlled ExoBrain III.
It has taken decades of intensive work and millions of dollars to arrive at this point.
Throughout history, countless other celebrations have involved many thousands of people.
But this one is infinitely more important than most of them.
It marks a turning point in the history of this planet.
It’s not possible to overstate the magnitude of this.
Will this planet continue its decline towards increasingly oppressive control by a few technocratic elites?
Or will technology be placed under the control of its users toward the benefit of mankind?
Attending the ExoBash is one way YOU can express YOUR preference.
You might also have a good time and meet some interesting people:
LOCATION: 100 North Belcher, Clearwater, Florida
DATE: Saturday, 5 November at 6:30 PM
RSVP@ExoTech.bm • +1 727-286-8178