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Posted November 19, 2023, under The ExoFuture Alert

To obfuscate is to obscure, darken, confuse, bewilder.

The word comes from “ob-” against and “fuscare” to make dark.

Obfuscation is deliberately making something confusing or difficult to understand, baffling or bewildering.

I have observed obfuscation happening in all areas, particularly including the medical establishment, big pharma, psychiatry, global financial manipulators, the media, and many more.

The so-called healthcare industry, including toxic pharmaceutical and psychiatric drugs, is, by far, the number one cause of death, even by their own statistics.

International bankers finance both sides of wars and have the countries of the world owe them huge sums of money.

They employ “economic hit men” who bribe, overthrow, or even murder heads of state who don’t cooperate.

They finance the illegal drug trade, human trafficking, and other socially degrading influences.

And the financed media provides most of the obfuscation to cover up their crimes.

There are more controversial areas I won’t mention here.

It is only obfuscation that allows this corruption to persist.

Obfuscation brings darkness.

But the one thing they can’t stand is the light of truth.

The flaws in today’s antiquated and obsolete computing systems contribute to that darkness and confusion.

And that is not entirely unintentional.

These tech companies are heavily influenced by the same powers that shouldn’t be.

And they profit from selling solutions to the problems their systems create.

ExoTech will be the first source of computing free from the hundreds of hidden problems and confusions inherent in today’s computing.

It will be the first computing solution free from the powers and influencers leading the societies of the world towards accelerating corruption and destruction.

And it will provide the broadest platform for shining the light of truth on the forces of darkness.

Why not help create a new world by sharing these videos with everyone you know?

Intro to ExoTech Three+ Minutes

The ExoTech Paradigm Shift Eight+ Minutes

Introduction to the Confidential Technical Briefing Six+ Minutes

And if anyone might be a prospect to become a Team member, contact Barbara Benton:
Phone & WhatsApp: +1 415 571 7871

Dave Kushin

An ExoTech Ltd shareholder, David achieved a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from Buffalo State College and has worked in a variety of capacities in marketing, publishing and public relations.

He has served in positions as Director/Vice President Media Relations and Executive Director for Zebra Communications, the world's leading provider of feature story public relations campaigns for Industrial and Technology Companies. He has gained extensive experience in media placement, article editing and has conducted email marketing programs during his marketing career.

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