People and things are considered incompatible when they are unable to interact or function together.
Two people in a marriage might be fundamentally mismatched, making it difficult for them to coexist harmoniously.
They might have conflicting opinions or desires, or be on different emotional or spiritual wavelengths, causing constant friction, misunderstanding, and disconnection.
Incompatibility is also a common and crucial factor in the world of computing,
The inability of software and hardware to work together can be a continual source of frustration and failure.
One person I knew whose business was resolving computer issues said that most of the problems he saw stemmed from incompatibility.
Incompatibility in computing, like incompatibility in marriage, can lead to user frustration
This is especially true for software.
Components that perform specific functions within one software program seldom work smoothly within a system.
Data within one software program commonly cannot be transferred or directly used by other software.
So we can then get whole software systems not operating together on the same or different computing devices linked by a network.
This is one of the areas where ExoTech will make a huge difference.
ExoTech is an all-encompassing platform or ecosystem where all functions and data co-exist with total compatibility.
This is not only true within one system, but also in any other systems using ExoTech.
Anything is compatible with anything anywhere.
This opens up many possibilities of unlimited interactions among all types of technologies and unlimited networking of communications beyond what we can currently envision.
In the not-too-distant future, we could be looking at an explosion of new technologies used for freedom rather than suppression.
Will YOU increase your efforts to make that day come sooner?
Will YOU share these videos?
Intro to ExoTech Three+ Minutes
The ExoTech Paradigm Shift Eight+ Minutes
Introduction to the Confidential Technical Briefing Six+ Minutes
If anyone might be a prospect to become a team member, contact Juanita Merrill:
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