House of Cards
A house of cards is a structure created by stacking playing cards on top of each other.
A “house of cards” is also an expression meaning a structure or argument built on a shaky foundation – it will collapse if a necessary element is removed.
As I have mentioned before, in my opinion, many of our major institutions and the resulting beliefs of the average person are based on houses of cards.
This includes education, health care, media, money, banking, politics, war, law, science, and more.
They are all built on foundations so shaky that even a casual glance at some key data exposes their corruption and falsity.
The more corruption and lies, the more a rigid, authoritarian structure is required to prevent the exposure of the lies.
So rather than face the wrath of that structure and the ostracism of their compromised and hypnotized friends and associates, they “go along to get along.”
This is also true of current computing systems.
The removal of more than 260 crucial illogical operating principles (corruptions) releases the entire field of computing, social media, and electronic communication from its extremely limiting rigid authoritarian structure.
This also makes it possible to expose all other corruptions like never before.
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