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From One Who Knows…

Posted April 19, 2022, under The ExoFuture Alert

The following is from an Interview with Jeff Buhrt, former IBM Program Manager, owner of Rocket Logic Inc., Achievement Focused Technologies (AFT, Inc.), Health Care Systems Corp., and the principle creator of the ExoBrain database:

“. . . after spending 18 months in a full-time, exhaustive study of all the ExoTech materials, and finally achieving my qualification as ExoTech Engineer, I have come to fully comprehend the magnitude of the impact that this technology offers to the world of computing.”

“I saw that it would be an enormous challenge, but the result would provide extraordinary benefits to the world of computing and to all mankind.”

“ExoTech has become a mission for me.”

“I have come to see a way that I can use what my life has prepared me for up to now: to help the world in a much bigger way than I could ever have imagined.”

Coming from someone with such an outstanding technical background, these words are not to be taken lightly.

This confirms what I realized more than three years ago.

Although I am not a technical person, I knew that ExoTech has the potential to change the world.

The rate of technical advance on this planet continues to accelerate.

And ExoTech will greatly contribute to that acceleration.

But equally important is that it will be done in a socially responsible manner.

Responsibility and ethics in the field of computing have so far been very deficient.

This could be a recipe for disaster, and we have been seeing the warning signs.

You can help contribute to the reversal of that impending decline.

One way is to spread our route to ExoTech enlightenment:

Dave Kushin

An ExoTech Ltd shareholder, David achieved a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from Buffalo State College and has worked in a variety of capacities in marketing, publishing and public relations.

He has served in positions as Director/Vice President Media Relations and Executive Director for Zebra Communications, the world's leading provider of feature story public relations campaigns for Industrial and Technology Companies. He has gained extensive experience in media placement, article editing and has conducted email marketing programs during his marketing career.

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