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ExoTech and the World of Lies

Posted March 7, 2025, under The ExoFuture Alert, by ExoTech Administrator

We live in a world containing many lies based upon many other lies.

Many people are aware of this, but few people realize how extensive it is.

Perhaps the biggest thing that excited me more than six years ago when I first became an ExoTech team member, was the possibility of uncensored platforms whereby these lies could be exposed.
Currently, most mainstream media, social media, education institutions and government have been trying to control what people know and what they think. These have been influenced by many with hidden agendas and vested interests that stand to profit from their preferred narratives.

An example of one lie is the long and increasing effort to promote a “plant-based” diet and a “food pyramid” that places meat as nearly the least thing to eat and fat as the LEAST thing to eat.

But this “plant-based food pyramid” is actually the opposite of what is true.

The human body evolved over at least two million years as a predator (carnivore).

The stomach of a cow has four distinct compartments to break down the very fibrous grass which is its natural diet.
The cecum of a gorilla (and other animals) is a LONG, spiral-shaped organ similar to the VERY SMALL human appendix. It is used to breed enormous quantities of bacteria that convert plant fiber into food their bodies can use.

The human body does not have either of the above.

Further, most pesticides people ingest are produced by the plants they eat.

The correct evolutionary diet of Man reverses or eliminates most adverse health conditions.

But the benefits of this evolutionary diet are much more than purely physical.

Many people have been able to get off psychiatric drugs and experience dramatic improvements in their emotional stability, productivity, and much more.

There are many other examples of lies that need to be exposed to the light.

And ExoTech will provide the ability to create the uncensored ethical communications platforms to do this.

You can help make this happen by sharing these videos:

Intro to ExoTech Three+ Minutes

The ExoTech Paradigm Shift Eight+ Minutes

Introduction to the Confidential Technical Briefing Six+ Minutes

If anyone might be a prospect to become a team member, contact Juanita Merrill:

For more of my articles, see The ExoFuture Alert

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