Cognitive Dissonance
“Cognitive” is a word relating to mental functioning, including logic.
“Dissonance” when used in a musical sense refers to the unpleasant combination of discordant notes.
So “cognitive dissonance” is a mental conflict, disharmony and discomfort, especially when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information.
This is one of the primary barriers to progress in today’s world.
Many of the most profound and beneficial truths are directly contrary to the most trusted authorities and “experts.”
And most of those truths are rejected because of cognitive dissonance.
These include stories about suppressed technologies, free energy, cures for various diseases, reverse aging, cars running on water, etc.
Not all those are true, but some are.
So it seems that the resistance to truth is proportional to the degree of “out-of-agreement” with the conventional “wisdom,” the groupthink of the “civilization,” and the degree to which they would benefit mankind.
The great advances of civilization were mostly produced by individuals who thought “outside the box,” not by groups.
This is also true of ExoTech.
ExoTech was envisioned by one person.
And the technology itself is based on the opposite of grouping things together in a “lump.”
ExoTech will provide the solution to the resistance to new solutions.
With a highly superior form of data analysis, it will much more accurately differentiate between true solutions and false.
And it will provide the truly free and ethical platform needed to discuss and promote them broadly.
We can get this into the hands of the average person and eventually into the hands of billions.
The population of Earth will survive as well as they can accept and know the truth about what’s happening on their planet and what can be done about it.
You can help make that possible by sharing these videos:
Intro to ExoTech Three+ Minutes
The ExoTech Paradigm Shift Eight+ Minutes
Introduction to the Confidential Technical Briefing Six+ Minutes
And if anyone might be a prospect to become a Team member, contact Juanita Merrill:
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