Artificial Stupidity
A bot is a computer program that works automatically, especially one that finds information on the Internet.
A chatbot is a computer program that can hold a conversation, usually over the Internet.
Chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Bard have recently been the subject of much interest and publicity.
There are many other examples of chatbots.
Chatbots are one application of “artificial intelligence.”
“Artificial intelligence” has also been the subject of great interest and publicity.
But there are several major problems with AI, including these:
- It is used to bypass or replace people.
- It is envisioned and/or used by some to enslave the population.
- It is not able to differentiate well, so it is not intelligent and is, therefore, susceptible to error.
But there is tremendous potential in computing systems that could be TRULY intelligent.
This was recognized by Bill Gates:
“If you invent a breakthrough in artificial intelligence, so machines can learn, that is worth 10 Microsofts.”
– Bill Gates
The idea of machine learning is that is supposed to imitate the way humans learn.
Ideally, machine learning could even involve software that would write itself.
ExoTech could potentially do that.
Many computer experts have realized what ExoTech could do:
“An ExoTech system will be able to run a company or country; it will ultimately make all other software obsolete . . .”
– John Welch, former owner of CornerStone Software and former VP of Development for American Data Resources and Deluxe Data Resources
“Congratulations. You have done the most amazing work. It is not believable . . .”
– Rolf Heinrich, Senior Software Product Manager at Fujitsu-Siemens
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
– Arthur C. Clarke
ExoTech will help change the world in many ways.
You can help accelerate our progress by sharing these videos:
Intro to ExoTech Three+ Minutes
The ExoTech Paradigm Shift Eight+ Minutes
Introduction to the Confidential Technical Briefing Six+ Minutes
And if anyone might be a prospect to become a Team member, contact Barbara Benton:
Phone & WhatsApp: +1 415 571 7871