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Artificial Intelligence Takes Over The World

Posted September 27, 2024, under The ExoFuture Alert

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being hailed as the future of technology.

It promises amazing benefits that could revolutionize many aspects of our lives, including healthcare, education, entertainment and much more.

AI is being used in a wide range of applications, from virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa to self-driving cars and drones.

In healthcare, it is being used to analyze medical images, diagnose diseases and develop new treatments.

And in finance, AI is being used to detect fraud, predict market trends and manage investments.

In education, AI is being used to provide personalized learning experiences and improve student outcomes.

However, some say AI also has the potential to become so powerful that it will control human behavior, dominating and possibly even destroying human existence.

A blogger named Michael Snyder wrote, “Given enough time, artificial intelligence would completely dominate our society. AI technology has been growing at an exponential rate [becoming faster and faster], and it can already perform thousands of tasks better than humans can. Eventually, there would be very few jobs that AI could not do more efficiently than we can…”

“As AI technology continues to become even more sophisticated, millions upon millions of jobs will be lost, and that will create a giant underclass of people that are simply not needed by society.”

This raises several questions including the following:

1. Will AI really be able to do all this?

2. If so, who will prevent it from becoming our master, rather than our servant?

3. Who will make sure it is used ethically?

And now, here are some answers:

AI can do a lot and will become able to do much more.

But it will not be able to do all that is currently envisioned.


It is a LIMITED technology.

It is based on the same deeply flawed structure as ALL current computing.

Only ExoTech has eliminated the 260 irrationalities of that structure.

Only ExoTech will accomplish all the incredible feats projected for AI.

And only ExoTech will be out of the control of those who would use it to dominate humanity.

The amount of freedom and prosperity that can be released by this is beyond what we presently envision.

You can help make this happen by sharing these videos:

Intro to ExoTech Three+ Minutes

The ExoTech Paradigm Shift Eight+ Minutes

Introduction to the Confidential Technical Briefing Six+ Minutes

If anyone might be a prospect to become a team member, contact Juanita Merrill:

For more of my articles, see The ExoFuture Alert

Dave Kushin

An ExoTech Ltd shareholder, David achieved a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from Buffalo State College and has worked in a variety of capacities in marketing, publishing and public relations.

He has served in positions as Director/Vice President Media Relations and Executive Director for Zebra Communications, the world's leading provider of feature story public relations campaigns for Industrial and Technology Companies. He has gained extensive experience in media placement, article editing and has conducted email marketing programs during his marketing career.

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