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A Saner World

Posted March 19, 2023, under The ExoFuture Alert, by ExoTech Administrator

We live in a world complicated by multiple interlocking situations.

Often influenced by powers that do not always have our best interests at heart.

We are bombarded with communications from the mainstream media, alternative media, social media, mobile devices, and much more.

It seems that the world has become increasingly complex and scattered.

Voice communications have become more mechanical, more robotic, and more infantile-sounding.

The world has become more dissonant and less harmonious.

There are those who seek a better world by following some political ideology or leader, but we will only have sane leadership to the degree that the people, themselves, become more sane.

Sanity flows smoothly, not with jagged disturbances and life becomes abrasive to the degree that it is interrupted.

I have personally been interrupted millions of times by computing devices and various electronic communications.

But these electronics are becoming more and more influential in misdirecting the mind of the planet.

ExoTech has the ability to reduce the noise in that mind down to a small fraction of what it is now.

It will eliminate many barriers and complexities for the peoples of Earth.

Help us create a saner, smoother, happier world by sharing these videos:

Intro to ExoTech Three+ Minutes

ExoTechie Q&A Five+ Minutes

The ExoTech Paradigm Shift Eight+ Minutes

Introduction to the Confidential Technical Briefing Six+ Minutes

And if anyone might be a prospect to become a team member, contact Barbara Benton:
Phone & WhatsApp: +1 415 571 7871

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