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Posted February 1, 2021, under Testimonials, by ExoTech Administrator

The 31 ExoBrain Videos. Reviewing the ExoTech materials helped me understand better how people actually think, process, save and utilize information. Being able to compare it to the archaic and caveman-like system of the “modern” computer really brought home how advanced our own minds are, and the need to have productivity software that can keep up with our default mental programming.

The scope and potential effect ExoTech will have on business productivity probably won’t be truly known for some time until after its release. Certainly, ExoTech will greatly increase personal productivity, but the cumulative effect of billions of people advancing at once – I can’t fathom what that will mean across the boards.

ExoTech gives me hope that we have a chance to salvage the planet before it’s fully done in by those who currently control the finances and software the planet is using. I can’t wait for it to render the status quo obsolete, and we can have a real renaissance across all levels of personal productivity, industry advancements of all kinds, including the enhancement of individual spirituality.

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