More Praise for the Milestone 3 Video!
I got to see the first demonstration of what it would be like. It highlighted what the capabilities are. It’s about a system that shows a direct demo of executing communication from one system to another. Excited about the ease of use.
– CA
The Milestone 3 event really stabilized my certainty that ExoTech is real, is THE solution to the chaos of computing on this planet, will change the world, and open the doors to computer freedom for all.
– DK
My review of the Milestone 3 presentation was very good. Juanita did a great job narrating through the presentation.
Very excited about the ExoTech future.
– VM
Sometimes I forget just what we are dealing with. That’s the truth. This video has reminded me just how ‘CLEANLY’ the ExoBrain works.
Just how ‘UNBELIEVABLE’ it is. Very hard to ‘believe’ it’s possible for most people being told about it; because of that, it IS, unbelievable. Just how ‘SIMPLE’ and ‘POWERFUL’ this thing is.
It is very uplifting, watching it operate, even in its infancy, because it is kind of magical. The ease of operation is another level to everything else.
It has rehabilitated my thrill of being involved in the early stages of something that WILL change the world. Also rehabilitated my eagerness to help get it done.
So, in summary: Clean, Unbelievable, Simple, Powerful.
– RD