High Praise for the Milestone 3 Video!
Overall excellent progress and an amazing demonstration! The voice recognition was flawless. Being able to easily and securely share information with the intended people will be a game changer. Questions that came to mind in the demo:
- Will ExoBrain be able to ask for clarification via voice in the future if the instruction is not completely clear?
- How do you choose which specific notes and data to share with other ExoBrains? Some mention of security and permissions will be important, especially for business customers.
- How do ExoBrains know if they have a fast enough connection between them for live updates and synchronization in the pong demo?
– BG
It’s amazing – it is able to focus on and pinpoint to a specific thing just from what it is told. [About the phone and calculator] That’s brilliant! (laughing)
Even when the instructions were not verbatim on what to do, it did it!
This is all truly amazing stuff.
It is a privilege to be in the presence of the genesis of such a thing. What a thing to do on a Saturday morning.
Can you imagine getting that to interface with some simple robotics? I guess to a certain extent that is already there – it can connect to anything.
After the presentation:
What I saw was completely amazing. I understand from your commentary where it is going and what it can do. The scope of it does seem rather limitless. And dare I say easy, intuitive – these kinds of words.
But as much as I enjoyed watching what ExoTech can do, the commentary is being explained by Peter Warren in a language that people can understand. It has been said that if the truth be told in a way that people can understand, it can be believed.
Words are failing me right now. This has to sink in a bit.
Someone has found the lift at the back of Everest – just push the button and it takes you to the top!! (Laughing) The ExoTech guys made a lift!
That was an amazing demo; it truly was. I loved the way one ExoBrain learned from the other one – and so quickly! That was incredible.
I’m normally quite good at talking… but at a loss for words.
I am into martial arts, for a long time. One of the main guys is Bruce Lee. In Enter the Dragon (movie) he pointed his finger to the moon. He said, “Don’t concentrate on the finger or you will miss the heavenly glory.” So, don’t concentrate on the pong game, but the ability to change the color and the orange, etc.
I am having fun going from micro to macro with my thoughts just from this demo!
It’s really fun. There is a clear path in the computer.
The way it will be built, the way it was narrated by yourself – it is amazing.
Thank you. I really enjoyed that. It was incredible. I am going to stew on that the whole weekend. I have just witnessed an amazing future!
– HL