ExoBrain 31 Videos. I’ve discovered that what I wanted was already created even though I wouldn’t have been able to specify exactly what I wanted in my computer’s behavior. I’ve spent years using computers and feeling like an organizational idiot because I never liked the way I organized my files. I also didn’t like Windows assuming that I wanted to store my files in “Documents,” “Pictures,” “Music,” or “Videos.” I wanted freedom and I had no other solution.
But I now know the words to the way I want my computer to behave. I want my computer to enable me to classify my data the way I do, to find my data the way I would in my own mind, and to create easily what I want. I’ve spent the last 16 months learning computer languages hoping to create apps for people, and none of it was easy. Furthermore, I hadn’t learned enough to produce a product. Talk about a sword in a stone. And my files had some structure, but I’d still eventually wind up with each language’s files in multiple places requiring me to hunt for what I was looking for.
Finding out about ExoTech has been the most significant new thing that I’ve encountered in many years. I will easily be able to make the math app for kids to learn from that I’ve known they need. I will be able to store information and not feel silly about not being able to find it again because it will be easily findable and not a navigation nightmare.
I want a deeper dive into this technology as its simplicity blows away all other computer technology. ExoTech has what other companies will re-align their own structures and processes to. They will use ExoTech to re-design computer hardware. They will use ExoTech to communicate within their networks, streamlining their production. They will organize like they couldn’t before. Communication will be faster. It will be more accurate. And outside entities will not have a chance to alter data or label true information as false. They will be left out of the equation.
The people win with ExoTech, and it is time for the change!
Quite gratefully yours.