ExoManual Study Success. When I came into ExoTech, I came to help write marketing copy. A friend of mine introduced me to Peter and this activity. That was some six years ago. I had no idea what I had gotten myself into… and that was a good thing.
I want to tell you what I’ve gained from this experience… to encourage you to more fully understand ExoTech and the miracle it is.
Miracle? Well, maybe that’s overstating it; after all, it’s only a computer gimmick… hmmm…
I’m not a computer person by any means. My first run-in with a computer was a shock. I’d used computers at work, and they were fine, but I was thrown into a major construction project that had to be done yesterday and it needed to be run by a computer.
I thought I was going to die… like dead. It was literally painful to have to confront and handle these programs and steps that led to some outcome as if by magic – It made my head hurt. I’m not joking. I was the epitome of the human who uses a tiny fraction of computer potential….
So, I dug into the ExoBrain patent… and again, I thought I was going to die….
Until I had the realization of how utterly simple it was. There was a time at the tail end of that 400-plus-page document, after bobbing and weaving through what I thought were dark tunnels with doors off every side with new adventures behind them.
It struck me like lightning – this system of commands and responses and code and data, was all modeled after something which I was very familiar with – me. No, never did I get the impression that we were dealing with something that could understand – that requires life, for us to do – it can’t. But I saw how every move, every pattern and every outcome resulting from this ExoBrain I could think with and see, because it was built on the same system I’ve lived with and used every single day of being me.
If there was ever any question or confusion, I could look at “what does the human do?” and solve it.
I went from computer dunce to understanding that it wasn’t me. It was them. I had come to believe that the smart guys could think like a computer. But I learned that this is not really optimum for a being to do – why would you stoop down to the idiocy that computers put us through daily? It’s nuts.
This is the way to do it – like humans do it. That realization has probably raised my IQ a good few notches… and I feel more like a genius now instead of an idiot.
Those word barriers that may have existed in the patent (now the ExoManual) have been smoothed out so that anyone can read and fully understand the basic principles that the ExoBrain is constructed with and operates on.
And I see another thing – the more every ExoTeam member studies and raises his knowledge of this technology, the more smoothly we operate as a team and the more reach we have from others who want to support us – it’s never looked so good.
So, everyone, every ExoTeam member would benefit from studying Volume 1 of the ExoManual. You’ll never think about computers the same again.