Sean Wills
Sean has consistently excelled in a number of fields over the years during his dynamic career. His first interests in computers started at the age of 11, when he first started studying early computer programming. His main passion was soccer and he played as a semi-professional for 20 years. After leaving school he trained to be a baker and at 19 years of age became one of the elite of the baking industry – a Master Baker. He won the prestigious ""Hovis"" diploma for making the perfect loaf and beating 4,500 other bakers in a nationwide competition. The prize being a job at Hovis (one of the leading and most highly regarded bread producers in the UK that's been in business for well over a 100 years) whenever he wants it, for life. He was also a support worker for almost 20 years and qualified up to the high level NVQ3 (National Vocational Qualification in the UK) and went on to win the National Care Awards for excellence, with his eight-man team in 2016. Sean is now semi-retired and his new hobbies include reading, hillwalking and DIY (do it yourself projects) amongst other things.