What’s So Hot About ExoTech Communities?
Most people like to be with people – after all, we are “social animals”, to use a crude term.
Before the internet became broadly available, we used landline phones and letters to communicate with our loved ones and associates. We also used to get together and actually physically talk to each other. I have the feeling that this would seem a bit unusual today for some…
But before the 80s and 90s, there were no mobile phones that were easily available to everyone, so, instead, you would often get a logjam on the home phone, because your teenage daughter simply had to talk to her friends… for hours…
The phone was fine for people in your local area, but if you had friends and family in another state, or overseas, the calls were extremely expensive. You couldn’t really get into a good conversation with someone when you knew it was costing you over a dollar a minute. And that’s a 1970’s dollar!
But we still wanted to establish and continue the various social relationships that we had. So, we wrote letters, instead of calling people on the phone. Letters were cheap to send, and you could write as much as you liked at no extra cost. But they took anything from a couple of days to over a week to arrive at their destination. So, your conversations were very disjointed.
When the internet came along, many people got really excited, because they discovered… emails. And an email is a piece of “electronic mail”, so it doesn’t take a week to arrive in another country – it arrives within a second or two. Wow!! And it was free!! You could write as many emails as you liked, send them anywhere you liked, and make them as big as you want, and you did not pay any more than you were already paying for your internet connection.
And when we discovered that we could send pictures attached to an email, that was even more exciting. And the whole social media thing developed from there, because as people started to use mobile phones, you could add text messages to the means of communicating. And then came the various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and others.
All of this simply reinforces the initial statement that we are social animals – we love to relate to other people, and the internet has provided many different ways in which to do that.
But let’s add another dimension to this. Let’s add the fact that when ExoTech releases its incredible product, we will not only still be able to use it communicate with our loved ones and associates, exchanging our pictures and audio files, sending short text messages, and so on, but we will now be able to share customized applications, tailored to any specific activity or interest.
Did you get that? It is so easy to create a new app from one that already exists, that anyone will be able to do it. You don’t need to be a programmer, or to know anything at all about computers. If you can describe what you want in simple language, the ExoBrain can build it for you.
You see, building an app in the first place does require the specialized skills of an ExoDesigner, and before that, the even more technical skills of the ExoEngineer who builds the components that the ExoDesigner uses. If you are starting from scratch, that’s a very specialized job. But once the ExoDesigner has done all the work of putting all the pieces together, modifying that for a different purpose is so simple, that anyone can do it.
Let me give you an example. If you had an app in your ExoBrain that was designed to set up a business meeting, where you could have the participants contribute various components and where you have the possibility to collaborate with others on shared documents. And maybe it has some automatic means of keeping the participants up to date with all the latest developments.
Suppose you took that app and changed its name to “The YourTown Group”, and changed the pictures and backgrounds to be more local and then made this available to all your friends. Each one of them could contribute to the electronic conversations that were going on. And they could open it up at any time and see who was active and what they were doing. They could even change the backgrounds and other image, if they wanted to.
So now you have your own, special, and unique little club. And you, and your friends, can continue to modify it how you want. You could add a calendar of events that all can share, so you can see when and where the next home BBQ is. You could add the video you took on the weekend when you were out on the mountain skying. You could create a one-time list of people who want to join you for a lakeside picnic in a couple of weeks.
You and your friends could modify this thing as much as you like, so you finish up with a look and feel that is totally yours. If you don’t like the “View BBQ List” button where it is at the bottom right of the screen, you can move it over to the left. You are not locked into the way some remote programmer (sitting in his ivory tower) initially decided how the screen items should be laid out and how it all should look.
And the whole point is this – that you can only have the ability to do all this with an ExoBrain. The ability to modify an existing app in this way is not available with any of the other technologies that today’s systems run on.
So, do you think that the people using such an app would want to dump their ExoBrain and go back to the “old way”? I don’t think so! Once you have built an ExoTech Community like this, it will be very difficult to drop it.
So, our communities and members will continue to grow, and they will continue to build their relationships with other people, using the totally unique abilities that ExoTech gives them. And they will not be able to get those facilities from anyone else for a very long time, so they will definitely want to stay with us.
And that’s what’s so hot about ExoTech Communities! They are destined to last a very long time.