ExoIntelligence vs Artificial Intelligence
In 1817, Mary Shelley wrote her startling novel “Frankenstein.” This gruesome tale struck a nerve in society at the time and for many years thereafter. That fear has rippled right through to modern times.
In 1817, Mary Shelley wrote her startling novel “Frankenstein.” This gruesome tale struck a nerve in society at the time and for many years thereafter. That fear has rippled right through to modern times.
Today’s computers are stupid! If you don’t believe me, ask your computer to email a copy of the document you wrote yesterday to your brother. That dead silence you hear is the only answer you will get. It has no idea what you are talking about.
Dear Human Race, a couple of years ago, a good friend asked me what I thought about computers. I replied that I loved them for what I thought they could do and hated them for failing to live up to their promises.
The world of software is in a complete mess today. As a result, software, to be vulgar, “sucks.” Strangely, when I try to translate this into socially acceptable terms, it doesn’t quite work. I could say “Software is bad,” or “Software has problems,” or “Software doesn’t work well,” or “Software is inadequate,” or “Software is […]
1945 U.S. Army Photo of the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer), the world’s first general-purpose computer. You can define computing as “doing something with information so that the result is more useful to you than what you started with.”