The Power of Language Control
The completed ExoBrain will do everything that an Office Suite can do, but do it quicker! It will be the first Office Suite that can be comprehensively controlled with normal everyday language.
The completed ExoBrain will do everything that an Office Suite can do, but do it quicker! It will be the first Office Suite that can be comprehensively controlled with normal everyday language.
Very often, when someone hears about the things that ExoTech makes possible with natural language control, they immediately compare it to Siri, Alexa, Google Nest or some other sort of “Chat Bot” system. ExoTech is a completely different animal, as I’ll try to show in this paper. In today’s computers, we most commonly control the […]
About twenty-five years ago, I was involved in a project that designed and implemented what we would today call a specialized hardware-control ExoBrain. Of course, at that time I didn’t know it as an ExoBrain. I only came to that realization after studying what an ExoBrain is and the ExoTech principles it is based on. […]
What would an alien think of the computer technology we have developed here on Earth?
Human Artificial Intelligence The term “artificial intelligence” implies that it encompasses all of human intelligence, when, in fact, it only encompasses a very limited aspect of it. Today’s “artificial intelligence” Predictive Data Handling methodology is only one aspect of behavior that is observably demonstrated by humans. Acting in a repetitive, predictable fashion based on past […]
For those who are interested to know more about today’s AI, an excellent summary of the state of artificial intelligence today has been written by Andrew Trask, a PhD student at Oxford University.
Humans – people – have incredible abilities to handle information and incredible abilities to do things as a result of information. There are no real limits to what they can do.
Chartered Management Accountant Nick Bonnaud gives an introduction to ExoTech from a business point of view and commercial realities.
ExoTechnology was founded by Peter Warren, who had become proficient in the observation and evaluation of data in the 1970s. After some very successful business ventures since that time, he conducted a data evaluation on the technology of software and computing. He investigated not only applications like Word and Excel but also websites, accounting systems, […]
There’s a good reason for that. Current computer programming inherently limits what YOU can do. You need a computer that acts like a human, emulating human thought. A true Virtual Intelligence that makes a computer behave like a person, not a machine.